The Drum

Drum therapy is an ancient approach that uses rhythm to promote healing and self-expression. From the shamans of Mongolia to the Minianka healers of West Africa, therapeutic rhythm techniques have been used for thousands of years to create and maintain physical, mental, and spiritual health.

In this century, when we seem to be moving farther and further  away from ourselves and our deeper needs, the drum through its simplicity, effortlessness and naturalism,  offers us a link back to that which we knew before technology separated us from our soul.

The sound of drumming generates new neuronal connections in all parts of the brain. It synchronizes the frontal and lower areas of the brain, integrating nonverbal information from lower brain structures into the frontal cortex.. The more connections that can be made within the brain, the more integrated our experiences become.  This leads to a deeper sense of self-awareness.

The drum can relax the tense, energize the tired , and heal the emotionally wounded.

The drum communicates a message that is beyond physical words, it speaks and connects to the primal and primordial natures of the physical and spiritual self.