Revolutionary instrument to reveal energy fields of human and nature
• BIO-WELL Camera has been developed by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov and brings the powerful technology known as Gas Discharge Visualization technique.
The images have been mapped to various organs and systems of the body, and reflect the state of the energy meridians as defined in traditional Chinese Medicine.
• Using the powerful technology of Electro-Photonic Imaging (EPI), Bio-Well presents the state of a person’s energy field. When a scan is taken, a high intensity electrical field stimulates emission of photons and electrons from human skin, then powerful imaging technology captures the emissions of each finger.
• The images have been mapped to various organs and systems of the body, and reflect the state of the energy meridians as defined in traditional Chinese Medicine.
• Bio-Well also provides a display of the chakra system– the size and alignment of each chakra.
«Sound vibrations synchronize us to our own true nature. Sound is uniquely potent form of energy medicine that entrains us to the vibrations of our own essence and that of universe.»
DR. Mitchell Gaynor